How to focus your video content

Creative director Naomi Joda shares some quick tips on how to succeed behind the camera and improve engagement.
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Whether through social media, explainers or ads, video content is one of the best ways to drive engagement (and sales). In fact, a recent survey found that using video content increased brand awareness for 93% of marketers, while 81% said it directly led to an increase in sales. Here, Naomi Joda, creative director of video design studio, gives her tips on how to improve your video skills.

1. You don't need fancy tools. To make professional-looking videos, you don't need a pricey camera or a high-end rig. ‘Start with your phone if you can, as the quality can be good enough for social videos,’ says Naomi. 

2. Practice makes perfect. To improve your filming and editing techniques, you need to be working at them regularly, says Naomi. ‘Practice with daily stories on Instagram and or Snapchat, until you feel comfortable branching out to [Instagram] Reels and TikTok videos.’

3. Get inspiration from others. Use learning platform Skillshare, YouTube or even Instagram and TikTok to get tips on how to record, edit and improve your video content. Naomi says, ‘Don't be afraid to have a look at what others are doing. Emulate the content you like and make it your own!’ For smartphone filming tips, Miranda Morey is a videographer who posts tutorials and ideas on Instagram and YouTube.

Want to improve engagement on your videos?

‘If you want your audience to watch videos to the end, you need to keep them concise and make sure the purpose is clear,’ says Naomi. This is most clearly demonstrated on TikTok, where one in four of the highest performing videos are between 21 and 34 seconds long. Naomi recommends researching the platform that you're posting content to, to decide which format works best. For example, if you're posting Instagram stories, the limit for one story is 15 seconds, with a main feed post allowing up to 10 minutes.

Naomi's extra tips

• Use graphics, illustrations or gifs – depending on the platform, you can use text features to make your videos more eye-catching and clear.

• TikTok's text-to-speech function also makes videos more engaging.

• Watch your video back and get others to watch and give feedback, too – are they engaged?

A version of this article was published in the Courier Weekly newsletter. For more useful stories, tips, tricks and simply good advice, sign up here.

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