We spoke to Brittany for the Courier Weekly podcast. Listen to the full interview now.
‘We're all about intention, and I think we're all about being conservative with our time and money. When you're a scrappy business, you have to do your research, because one wrong move can cause you to lose money and time that you can't get back. And I think that's so important.
‘Everyone should talk to their consumer. Just because you like something, I think it's a little arrogant or unwise to assume that everyone else likes it just because you do, you know? It's really important to talk to your consumer and ask them upfront what they want so that you can deliver.
‘Shop Latinx, aside from being politically active, we pride ourselves on being inclusive across the Latin diaspora. Even yesterday, we had our first soft commitment from an investor who is black and Mexican, and she said that Shop Latinx is the first platform where Afro Latinos are highlighted and celebrated, and they're represented throughout your socials.
‘I just think that's so important, you know, not just from a business standpoint, but from a community and representation standpoint.
‘Latinx in the US have been portrayed as a monolith, and that's what's caused not only myself but hundreds and thousands of us to grow up with this sort of identity complex. I want to claim responsibility for when it comes to changing that, and changing the way we're represented and changing the narrative of what it means to be Latinx.
‘So I think, one, that's really important. Two, look at the world today – you know, look at who's about to run for office. Every day there's something. So I think it is really important for us to use our voice. And I do think, at this time, businesses should take a stance and it is our responsibility to at least vocalise what our values are or what our beliefs are. And the data also shows that people want that in brands.’
Listen to the latest episode of the Courier Weekly podcast now.