Located in Ari, a creative neighborhood in Bangkok, convenience store MADBACON opened in 2021. Founders Orada, Thanatcha and Nantawat wanted to find a name that felt completely original, turning their shared love of bacon (yes, really) into a word they’d never encountered before.

Most items in the shop are chosen with a similar ethos in mind. Milk glasses sit alongside incense holders and a line-up of international magazines. Anything to stimulate creative minds.

It's a place where Bangkok’s creative and artistic community come together to work and socialise – and throw the occasional party once the laptops have shut.

The team designs and sells products at the store that customers can’t find anywhere else, often inspired by their travels abroad.

They draw on previous careers in art, fashion and graphics when dreaming up collaborations. So far, collabs include clothing, vinyl coasters and art installations.

With its distinctive design the store sticks out from the multitude of 7-Elevens in the neighborhood. MADBACON even has its own signature coffee topped with whipped cream and bacon.

Puzzleman Leung